Thursday, November 19, 2015

Third group

Topic: My Town

Teachers:   Vanessa

This was the second class for this group and the topic that they developed was “My Town”. Personally I like the classes that this group perform because they are very creative. So I expected that students could show excellent results throughout the class.
The class started and the students were glad to start singing the “Hello-Hello” song. Then, teacher Deyanira took the control of the group and asked them to make a line in order to form a train. She lead the students to different spots in the classroom where she had pasted the places that they would teach to students.  I like the activity because it was a different way to give a little introduction to the topic and the vocabulary. 
The next activity was the formal presentation of the topic this was in charge of teacher Luis. He presented the structure “I want to go” and the proper use of the “s” when the pronouns “he and she” is used. I was surprised because students got it super-fast, and they started to talk and asked questions about the topic.  Teacher Luis seemed to have the control of the students so he could manage pretty well the group. The following activity was developed by teacher Wanda and this activity consisted on practice a little bit what the previews teacher did. She was very energetic, and students felt excited about the activity that was about to perform.  Each students had a page with an alphabet soup and had to find the words that they just saw some minutes ago. 
 They did it fast of course with the help of the teacher. Then, a bigger version of the alphabet soup was presented to them. In this time the dynamic change because now they had to stand up and go to the board, find a word, and circle it. Something that I really like was that students did not fell push or intimidated while they participate. On the other hand, they wanted to do it and participated without hesitation. The next activity encourage students to show what they learnt. Teacher Jennifer was in charge of this stage and she made that each students participate. I saw that students seemed a little bit nervous but she cheer them up every time they were in front of the class. The fifth and last activity was the wrap up and activity that has a purpose make students think, participate and practice in a freely way. Teacher Vanessa was very creative and came up with an interesting activity called “The Spider”. The tool that she needed was a bun wool and she was ready to star. Students had to say the name of a place and took one piece of wool. Then, they had to throw the wool to other students and so on. 
The activity was new for me and so for students because they were really engaged on it.
 In this class I realize that our students are very smart and understand commands and the use of the structures pretty well. That is why the use of interesting activities just like the ones that this group used work pretty well at the time to teach. So I can assured that the expectations that I had at the beginning of the class were completely achieved.


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