Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Reflection

Here I am writing about my experience to work with children and is unbelievable how time flies.  I just remember the very first class that I gave. It was a worthy experience and I remember how nervous I was because I had no idea about how students would react or behave.  During this first class I could control myself; however, I was almost shaking because I had audience looking at me and that was extra pressure. In this class I learnt that children understood commands in English, they did almost everything that I asked them to do, and they could do it with almost any help. I felt really good standing there in front of those children that wanted to learn and they would do it with my help. 
Then, the second class came again and I was still nervous but with the difference that I felt more confident. In this class I used different activities that worked very well with my students. They enjoy it and learnt at the same time. That made me feel proud and I realized that teach is something that I enjoy. In this class I learnt that children learnt faster when the activities are appealing to them. Moreover, I experience and learnt that teachers needed to think a lot when creating a lesson plan because the activities should be according to the age of students. Something that I will not forget is that as a teacher I always needed to have a backup plan. This will help me to face any situation because we never what could happen, and teachers should be prepared.

In my last class I was not nervous but exited to teach my last time to this children. I tried to put in practice what I learnt and put in practice the advices that my colleagues and teacher gave in my previews classes. I felt great; however, teachers never stop learning.   I feel great because I could overcome some difficulties at the time to teach. Moreover, I improve a lot from the very first class to the last one.   I decided to improve my skills and acquire many more that would help me in the future. I want to say that it was hard but I like challenge because are in those challenges that people show learn. Things that I would miss are prepare materials for my classes, think about the activities that I will perform, and doing the lesson plan. I know that this was just the beginning of things to come, and I am pretty sure that I will succeed. 

1 comment:

  1. Susan. I have witnessed your growht from the very first semester you came to this university and now that you are in the last years. Of course you have improved your performance int eh language and I feel really happy that you conclude this course with a possitive opinion.
