Thursday, November 19, 2015

First Group 

Topic:  My Home

Teachers in charge: Thomas 

Undoubtedly being an English teacher is not an easy task; however is a rewarding experience. This Monday the first teaching group performed their class entitled “At home”. I was inpatient to see how the students would react in this class, how much they knew about the topic, and what kind of activities teacher would use. Those were some of my expectations for this class.
 The first group was ready to start, and students were inpatient to start. In this class there were just two student but they did not have trouble at all to stick with the class. Despite, this inconvenient those students seemed to feel more confident in the lesson and the interaction between teacher and students grew. They started by singing the “Hello-Hello” song. 
The students were encouraged to sang and enjoy this part of the class by gathering in a semi-circle. They sang twice this nice song and students seemed to enjoy it. Then, teacher Eunice was in charge of the presentation of the topic in. She presented the possessive adjectives with some flashcards that had big and colorful pictures. The purpose of the flashcards was to catch the attention of the students, and the objective was successfully achieved. Besides, she presented the vocabulary of the unit including some of the most common objects that students find at home such as telephone, bed, lamp, refrigerator, sofa etc. Students were focused during the whole presentation of the topic. They seemed like if they were learning something because did not blink any second. Moreover, they felt confident enough to asked questions about the vocabulary and clarify some doubts. I really love the way in which she explained.
Then, teacher Thomas was in charge of the practice. In this part of the class a page was given to every student to practice vocabulary and the possessive adjectives. This exercise made students think by themselves; however, he was close in case they needed some help. In fact, they asked for helped and the teacher did his best to control and give an eye to the students.
Teacher Bryan was the one that made students practice in the board by writing a sentences using the possessive adjectives and the object that they studied. Students wrote without hesitation what they thought was the correct answer. Then, they checked answer with the help of the teacher. In my opinion it was a nice activity to let students use the structure that they learnt by themselves.
The wrap up was presented by teachers Eduardo and William that presented an activity to make their students practice what they learnt. The activity consisted in paste some small signals in the floor with the shape of an “x”. Then, students had to walk all over around the chairs while a sound was being produce and when the sound stopped they had to find an “x” to stand on. The student that could not find an “x” had to say a sentence using an object and a possessive adjectives. This activity was funny since students stood up, walked, laugh, and the most important put in practice what they learnt. I would like to point out that the class was very meaningful either for students and the rest of the teachers that were observing the class. I learnt new teaching techniques that I will definitely use in the future. My expectations for this class were reach and I am anxious to see these teachers again.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think about the diagnostic lesson Susana? Would you do the same with your own groups?
