Thursday, November 19, 2015

First group
Topic: My dream job
Teachers: Bryan Melgar
                  Eunice Menjivar
                  William Alexander
                  Eduardo Escobar
                  Tomas Lievano

The profession was the topic that this group presented and they came up with a fantastic idea of dress acording with  some of the most famous  professions. There was a soccer player, a teacher, an actor,  polie officer, and a doctor. This create a good environment for students because they felt more confident and more relax.
The first teacher was Tomas that review some of the vocabulary studied in the previews class. Something that I like was that they create some name tags that included their names and a profession asigned by the teachers.
The presentation of the topic was in charge of teacher Eunice. She explained the topic and the professions by doing mimics in order that students got the meaning of the
profession. The question what do you want to be? Was presented by Eunice as well and she  took anough time to explained point by point the question and the answer. Then, teacher bryan made his students practice by playign the “hot chair”. This activity allowed students feel comfortable, and this helped him to create a good environment in which they learn in an diferent way and not just siting down llisten to the teacher. Student were focused during the whole activity because they had to pay attention to the song because when it stopped they had to find a chair. The ones that left standing had to said a question and an answer about a profession. Students really loved this activity because all of them were set out to win.  Teachers Eduardo and William continued practicing with their students by usign two different activities.
The first one was the famous “hat” in this activity students made a circle and pass the “hat” to their classmates while they heard a song, and when the song stopped the one that got it said a profession that they would like to perform.

The activity was interesting, students were engage and themos timportant they practice what they studied. The other activity consisted on write on the board and write either a question or an answer. In this activity students were a litle bit nervous because they had to write; however, teachers helped and encouraged them to ketp going. I enjoyed this class a lot because there were many activities that involved all the students. Moreover, the performance of each teacher was awesome, and the most important I learnt in every single antivity. 

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