Thursday, November 19, 2015

Second group 
Topic: My Home
Teachers: Jackeline Martinez
                 Yanet Argueta
                 Brenda Rivas
                 Nancy Membreño
                 Gloria Gonzales

The third week started and this group was ready to teach for second time. By this point my expectations for this group were even higher because they performed an excellent job in their preview class. The topic was really interesting and I for the class I expected that students would learnt at least the most common vocabulary that this unit includes
The class started as usual “singing” but this time it was totally different and this encourage students not to feel bored at the time to sing. The “Hello-Hello” song in this lesson changed completely because it was singing by using some poppets.
Each student had the opportunity to have one puppet. 

There were a plenty variety of animals and students were exited to used them. 
The first teacher on presenting was Nancy she developed the warm up in an interesting way. Students play basketball in this stage they tossed the ball in a small basket trying to make a point. In this activity the students that did not make a point would say a word of the vocabulary that they studied the previous class. In this way the class continue and students seemed to be engaged during the whole lesson. Teacher Yanet presented some vocabulary and the question Where is the ___________? In this presentation she sat on the floor where the students were sat at. Students really paid attention to this introduction and by this point they were able to understand what the teacher was explaining. The idea of be in the same level of the students in my opinion helped Yanet to have the attention of the students. Then, teacher Gloria make their students practice with an audio.
The audio included some sentences such as the pillow is on the sofa, the lamp is under the sofa, etc. Students had some pictures that matched with the sentences that the audio included. Then when teacher Gloria asked where is the ______? They will listen and show the picture that represented the sentence that they listened. The activity was creative and the majority of the students could perform it. So far students were doing a fantastic job and this helped teacher Brenda with her activity of practice a little bit the vocabulary and the prepositions. The teacher sat down with the students and they began to practice each students were asked to participate and say a sentence using the question Where is the______? Then the rest of the students helped each other answer this question.
The last but not least activity was the one that teacher Jackeline performed and it was called “mica” this activity has a quite weird name; however, students really enjoyed it. They were gathered in a section of the classroom which has plenty space to run. They ran all over the space trying not to get the famous “mica”. The ones that got it asked a question and in some cases they said a complete sentence. This class was very productive I learnt lots of things. For example, children learn faster when the activities are interesting and attractive for them. During the whole class I was paying attention to the activities and the teachers as well that is why I can say that my expectations were fully achieved.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think students' expectations were fullfilled the same as yours?
