Then, Olmes sang the If you are happy chant that it is used in the during stage to practice the feelings or emotions topic. Besides, our friend Eunice transported us to the zoo with the two songs that she presented. These songs were Let’s go to the zoo and Walking in the jungle that are used in the during stage, and the two of them talks about wild animals.
The next songs that we sang were ten little airplanes that is
Then, Xunaxi presented the What’s your name song that is used the first day of classes in order that students ask the names of classmates. Furthermore, Nancy gave us the lyrics of I see someting blue song that is use as a warm up, and in the during stage to practice colors. Besides, in this song teachers can replace the blue color for any other color that they studied in previews classes.
Jacky introduced the songs This is the way that talks about daily routines and the song If you are wearing something red that it is also used to practice colors and that color can be substituted by any other. The song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes was presented by Jennifer and we spent a very nice time dancing and moving our bodies with this song to practice parts of the body. Moreover, she presented the Animals farm song that talks about farm animals. Our friend Deyanira gave to us the lyric of Days of the week that was really interesting because it has different rhythm inside the same song. Then, Vanesa performed the Skeleton dance that talks about bones. This is a nice but difficult song to sing that is why the ages to which this song can be thought is from 9 to 12.

Which one did you like the most Susana?