Speaking Activities
This resent class
has to do with activities that are useful to practice speaking. Personally I
learnt a lot because my classmates create many activities that were very
attractive for kids. The purpose of these activities was take some of the
activities and put it in practice in our classes. The activities that my classmates presented were the broken telephone, the hot chair, The interactive activity with pupets peresented by wanda, the guesing activity that vanne presented. Personally one of the activities that I really enjoy was the flying balloon that was presented by our classmate Josue. This activity was very interesting, and it consisted in hit the balloon and say an animal every time that we touch it. Moreover, it was nice because we use a balloon to create the activity. Another activity that I really like was brenda's activity that consisted on through a monkey and say our favorite fruit. All the activities were very constructive for me because I learnt what we can do and say at the time to work with children. For example, the
vocabulary that is used to teach children should be simple because children do
not master the language yet.
Moreover, the Instructions of the activities must
be short and clear at the time to give it to our students. The color of the
pictures or material that teachers use should be very colorful. Children like and
pay more attention to those images or visual aids that are attractive for them. Another thing that I learnt was that we need to involve all our students in the activity by encourage them that the activity is funny and the most important that tehy will learn a lot. Children are very smart and they pay attention to everything that is why teachers need to pay attention to the time and the cons that activities may present at the time to perform it. It is neccessary that we as teachers ensure that all the elements that we will need are apropriate and that they will work. These are just some of many aspects that I lernt in this workshop and I am very excited to put in practice this elements that I learnt.
Very realiable summary about this workshop Susan. I hope you store those ideas not only in this blog but in your mind and use them wisely in your future classes.