Saturday, August 15, 2015

Teaching the Concrete Operational Stage

The concrete operational stage is one of the most important stages in the life of a child.  The ages of Children during this stage is from 7 to 11. This stage is the foundation of coming learning, and is very important that teachers pay special attention to cognitive development because during this stage children start to develop their brains, they start to reasoning, and they begin to solve some mental operations. Even though, the things that children can do are not difficult those are like the basis for a successful learning. There are plenty of ideas that teachers can use in their classes to help their students develop this stages successfully.
Teachers need to provide enough opportunities to their students in order that they participate and have more involvement with their learning. The concrete operational stage focuses on thinking, reasoning, and understanding. Besides, there are some activities that in my opinion would be very useful should such as recognition of  shapes it could be toys, pictures, the manipulation of objects like the use of legos or play daugh that are things that they can manipulate and create whatever they want. . It is important to have in consideration the attention span of the students to have a successful learning. Have students read short stories, present them riddles, or mind twisters make students think and are perfect activities that requires whole class participation and fit in the period of time that students between these ages can be focused. Besides, during a lesson it is important that the entire class participate because students learn by experimenting things. Moreover, in order to take advantage of the class time teachers should have a very well organized planning. They also should found the balance in their character while they are performing the lesson because students have needs that cannot be ignore. There are some special cases in which students do not feel well, they are sick, they had problems at home or they simply do not want to engage in the activities. In these cases teachers need to have the specific words to ask their students if something is happening or if they feel sick and be permissive to those students that required for something. On the other hand, when students do not follow the rules that the teacher has explained or if they behave in a certain point a little bit rebel teachers should be the authority in the classroom, and put limits to their students. However, teachers do not have to exceed in the use of power since is a negative aspect that can affect in the learning of the student.  When teachers are very strict students became shy and do not want to participate in the class because they are afraid of the reaction of the teacher. The behavior of the teacher is really important because is the model that students have and they should transmit confidence, they should be friendly in order to have the respect of the students.

For a student the concrete operational is a stage that should be develop appropriately. The role of the teacher is very important in the development of this stage because is the one in charge of provide scenarios in which students can learn. The most important aspect for this stage is that students need to develop the ability to focus on many aspects at the same time, and this is something that can be develop in class

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