Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

The topic that we studied this week was Learning disabilities and Disorder. This is a very interesting topic because we as teachers may have students with this problems so we need to be familiar with this. Something that I learnt was that teachers are not the ones in charge to determine if a child has learning disability instead teachers need the help of an expert that could be a doctor or a phycologist that are the ones that can diagnose a child that have these kind of problems. However, teacher spent many hours with the students so they can see how children perform and behave, and they can see some signals that show that a child might have a learning problem. Teachers in this case should transfer the child with an expert in order to be sure and to have a diagnostic of that child. Moreover, an expert is the only person that can talk with parents about these types of problems and about the treatment that a child might require.

Learning disabilities and disorder affect the brain’s ability to process, analyze, receive, and respond information. There are different cases that present these problems and each of them require specific treatment. However, there are some others that cannot be treat so it is important to know the problem and if that can be treat in order to help our students.

 Some of the signals that a child with learning disability or disorder are:

  •      Forget things frequentely
  •         Present a high level of hyperactivity
  •        Touch and play with every objects that they see
  •         Inappropriate comments
  •        Change topic suddenly
  •     Dislexia
  •     Discalcula
  •     Problems to pronounce some words

Some common behavior on a child

  •           Have difficulty to pay attention
  •       Be a little bit hyperactive
  •          Problems with patience     
  •          Be impulsive
  •      Talk a lot

      It is important to distinguish the normal behavior in children against the behavior that is not normal. When a child with this problem is correctly treated the difficulties that he/she is facing can improve. Besides, teachers need to change the interaction in the class in order that the student feel comfortable. At the same time teachers should try different strategies at the time to teach and perform the class so students with some difficulties can learn or be part of the class that is being performed.

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