Sunday, August 30, 2015

Creating PDP and PPP Lesson Plans

In this post I present the two lesson plan that I create this week. Besides, I will share with all of you how this process was. The process of create a lesson plan require organization, knowledge, creativity, and specific objectives. These are the aspects that in my opinion are the most important at the time to create a lesson plan. Now I will explain the experience that I face while I did these two lessons.
Before starting creating my lesson plan I felt a little bit nervous. Even though, it was not my first time I felt confuse about the topic and included aspects that I needed to evaluate. Moreover, I got confuse at the time to divide the lesson in the framework PPP OR PDP. These two frameworks are the ones that are use two plan either a planning for productive (listening and writing) or perceptive skills (reading and listening). These were the issues that I faced but after some explanations from the teacher I could start creating my lesson plan.
During the process there were many aspects that I wanted to include; however, I learnt that is necessary to analyze the aspects that we want to evaluate and keep in mind our objectives. The time goes fast when I am creating a lesson plan because I pay too much attention to some aspects. For example, think about the warm up activity that fits better. This is one common thing that happens to me while I am doing the planning. Another thing that I face in this process was that every aspect to evaluate must have a purpose. Teachers should not  include something just to fill the time. After I create my two lesson plans I realized how hard is the job of a teacher because they create a lesson plan for every class and that is what I will do the rest of my life. I really  like to be in charge of the classroom and measure the knowledge of my students so I will enjoy it and of course I will do my best to help my students.

Don Bosco University
Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”
Teacher:  Susana Lisseth Anaya                                    Date:   August, 24th 2015
Topic: My Classroom
Objective:  By the end of this lesson students will be able to list and pronounce 6 objects that are used in classroom by asking what is this? what is that?

Target skill: Listening, grammar, writing           Planning Framework: PDP 


5 minutes

Warm up

-This activity is called “Late for School”
Students will imitate all the movement that the teacher does this involve wake up, getting dress, brushing their teeth, take breakfast, etc.
When they are ready to go to the school they realize that is “Saturday” and they go to bed again laying in the floor.
Aim of the Activity:
Break the ice

Type of learner: V, A, K
Interaction: T-S

15 minutes

-Working in the same groups students will guess what the topic is by watching some images in a power presentation.
-Teacher will provide the topic and the vocabulary that students will use.
-Teacher will explain the use of what is this? And what is that? To ask for the names of objects.
Aim of the Activity:
Present the topic
Power Presentation
Type of learner: V,A,V
Interaction: T-S, SS.

20 minutes


-Students will practice the pronunciation of the classroom’s objects by listen to an audio.
-Students will have a page will many classroom objects and they will listen to an audio then they will cross it out the objects that they listened.
-Students will practice with a partner the questions what is this? And what is that? Asking the name of some objects of the class.
Aim of the Activity:
Audios, page with objects of the classroom
Type of learner: V,A,
Interaction: T-S,ss.

20 minutes

-Students will take a number and make a group with the partner that have the same number, then they will create a conversation using the names of the objects that are found in classroom and what is this and what is that questions.
-Students will play the game called “hot potato” and there will be two selected groups that will share their conversations with the rest of the class.
Aim of the Activity:

Type of learner: V,A,K,V.
Interaction: T-S,ss.

Don Bosco University
Teaching Practicum I “Teaching English to Young Learners”
Teacher:  Susana Lisseth Anaya                                    Date:   August, 24th 2015
Topic: My Classroom
Objective:  By the end of this lesson students will be able to identify and write correctly the name of 5 different objects in the classroom using the question what is this? what is that?.

Target skill:  Listening, writing           Planning Framework:  PPP


5 minutes

Warm up

-children will stand in pairs and would be “front to front” with their pairs. Then will listen to the instructions of the teacher and when she says “change” they will change pairs. The teacher will give the instruction for example back to back, elbow to elbow, knee to knee, etc.

Aim of the Activity:
Break the ice

Type of learner: V, A, K
Interaction: T-S

15 minutes

-Teacher will present the topic “my classroom” with the help of some flashcards that have the name and the picture of some objects that are found in classrooms.
-Students will be introduced to what is this? What is that? Question in order to ask for the name of the objects.
-Students will use these questions to ask their classmates and teacher for some objects in the classroom.

Aim of the Activity:
Present the topic
Type of learner: V,A,V
Interaction: T-S

20 minutes


-Students will sing a song to practice the name of the objects of the classroom
-Students will walk around the classroom and asked 3 students to the name of the object using the question studied.

Aim of the Activity:
Materials: cd player
Type of learner: V,A,
Interaction:T-S, SS.



-Teacher will give a short test to students it will include to fill it with the name of the correspond object.

Aim of the Activity:
Know what student have learnt
Type of learner: V,A,K,V.

5 minutes

Wrap up
-teacher will play the same song that teacher played before but students will need to write the name of the object that they heard and write down with the missing name of the object in the lyric.
Aim of the Activity:
Know what student have learnt
Type of learner: V,A,K,V.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities

The topic that we studied this week was Learning disabilities and Disorder. This is a very interesting topic because we as teachers may have students with this problems so we need to be familiar with this. Something that I learnt was that teachers are not the ones in charge to determine if a child has learning disability instead teachers need the help of an expert that could be a doctor or a phycologist that are the ones that can diagnose a child that have these kind of problems. However, teacher spent many hours with the students so they can see how children perform and behave, and they can see some signals that show that a child might have a learning problem. Teachers in this case should transfer the child with an expert in order to be sure and to have a diagnostic of that child. Moreover, an expert is the only person that can talk with parents about these types of problems and about the treatment that a child might require.

Learning disabilities and disorder affect the brain’s ability to process, analyze, receive, and respond information. There are different cases that present these problems and each of them require specific treatment. However, there are some others that cannot be treat so it is important to know the problem and if that can be treat in order to help our students.

 Some of the signals that a child with learning disability or disorder are:

  •      Forget things frequentely
  •         Present a high level of hyperactivity
  •        Touch and play with every objects that they see
  •         Inappropriate comments
  •        Change topic suddenly
  •     Dislexia
  •     Discalcula
  •     Problems to pronounce some words

Some common behavior on a child

  •           Have difficulty to pay attention
  •       Be a little bit hyperactive
  •          Problems with patience     
  •          Be impulsive
  •      Talk a lot

      It is important to distinguish the normal behavior in children against the behavior that is not normal. When a child with this problem is correctly treated the difficulties that he/she is facing can improve. Besides, teachers need to change the interaction in the class in order that the student feel comfortable. At the same time teachers should try different strategies at the time to teach and perform the class so students with some difficulties can learn or be part of the class that is being performed.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Case of Study

Name: Carlos Alexander Anaya
Age: 5 years old
School: Kindergarten
Relationship: Nephew
Attention spam:  5 + 1 = 6

 Case of Study

The objective of this blog is to contrast some of the theories studied in class.  This study focused in  recreate some experiments that will show evidence about knowledge and abilities of children. In order to have enough data to contrast what these theories say it is necessary to develop a study. Moreover, this study consisted in observed a child any age during 8 days and see how this child behaved, what he or she could do, and how he or she interacted with other people. This study focused on a 5 year old child named Carlos. He goes to kindergarten, and this is his second year at school. Carlos was exposed to experiments that some theorists applied to provide information and identify what children can do at certain age and consequently classify their stage. 
I performed the experiments with Carlos, and this helped me get information about what Carlos was able to do, and how he behaved at the time to perform the activities. Moreover, the results of the experiments will help me identify if the results were similar with the stages that theorist proposed or if there are some changes in the results. Piaget created the cognitive stages of child development that explained that children learn by doing. This theory focuses on observe, analyze, and reasoning in order to explain how children develop their brains. Carlos is the boy that I observe and socialized with. According to his age he is in the preoperational stage (3 to 7). The study will show some other evidence that have relation with some other theories.

First Experiment: 
The objective of this experiment is show if the child can think logically or if he can reasoning, and according to piaget he is in the stage in which children start to think  but not in a logical way.The materials that I used were three glasses and I followed some steps in order to get the information. First, I presented to Carlos the experiment of two glasses full of colored water that had the same size with the same amount water. Then I asked him if the glasses had the same amount of water having the correct answer which was that they had exactly the same amount of liquid. Then, I had an extra glass that was shorter and I pour the colored water of one of the glasses that I presented to him before.Finally, when I had the two recipients with water again I asked him which contained more water, and he answer me that the higher glass more water which was not correct. 

5 years old boy like Carlos is not able to answer correctly to this experiment because he did not take into account two things at the same time like height and width. He explained that one of the glasses had more water making the judgment just for the size of the glasses because one of them seemed shorter than the other. I conclude that Carlos did not answer correctly because he is in the preoperational stage which means that he is not able to think in a logical way just like piaget said. The result of this experiment show the preoperational stage of Piaget’s theory.

                                  Second Experiment:
This second experiment has as a purpose demonstrate if the child can analyze and reasoning. The experiment consisted in present to the child two little bags with the same amount of candies. Then I asked to Carlos if the two bags had the same amount of candies he said that the two bags had the same amount of candies. After that I moved the cadies from the bag to a white plate and asked him again if there were the same amount of water in the bag and in the plate. Carlos answer that the plate had more candies then the bags. I had the conclusion that Carlos thought that in the plate there were more candies because he saw the pile of candies there, and he did not reasoning that there were the same amount than before.

Carlos could not answer great since he is developing his reasoning and cannot use it in this type of experiments that require to analyze and reasoning. My conclusion was that when Carlos reach the concrete operational stage he will provided the correct answer because he will have his brain develop enough to analyze and make conclusions.

Third experiment:
Vygotsky claimed that children learned because of the environment in which they live. Also they learned by socializing with other people specially I they are children of his same age. The learning of a child according to Vygotsky needs to be in a context that is attractive for them. I observed to Carlos and he likes to get involved with people. He likes to play and create stories about situations that he can solve, with the help of others children. The learning is more constructive when is accompanied with games, song, or pictures.

The theories that were implied in my study were the cognitivist and the social interaction theory of Vygotsky. The experiment showed that child development might vary depend on the child. My first experiment related to cognitivism matches with what Piaget observed that I child at that age do not think logically. Piaget’s theory focuses on the development of the brain. He said that children learn by their experiences.  Moreover, the social aspect seems to be really important in our society because children learn faster when the learning is attractive and involves children to socialize and be part of the learning. Vygotsky observed that the culture is another important factor in the learning of a child. These theories were reflected in the results of the experiments that I presented in my case of study.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Teaching the Concrete Operational Stage

The concrete operational stage is one of the most important stages in the life of a child.  The ages of Children during this stage is from 7 to 11. This stage is the foundation of coming learning, and is very important that teachers pay special attention to cognitive development because during this stage children start to develop their brains, they start to reasoning, and they begin to solve some mental operations. Even though, the things that children can do are not difficult those are like the basis for a successful learning. There are plenty of ideas that teachers can use in their classes to help their students develop this stages successfully.
Teachers need to provide enough opportunities to their students in order that they participate and have more involvement with their learning. The concrete operational stage focuses on thinking, reasoning, and understanding. Besides, there are some activities that in my opinion would be very useful should such as recognition of  shapes it could be toys, pictures, the manipulation of objects like the use of legos or play daugh that are things that they can manipulate and create whatever they want. . It is important to have in consideration the attention span of the students to have a successful learning. Have students read short stories, present them riddles, or mind twisters make students think and are perfect activities that requires whole class participation and fit in the period of time that students between these ages can be focused. Besides, during a lesson it is important that the entire class participate because students learn by experimenting things. Moreover, in order to take advantage of the class time teachers should have a very well organized planning. They also should found the balance in their character while they are performing the lesson because students have needs that cannot be ignore. There are some special cases in which students do not feel well, they are sick, they had problems at home or they simply do not want to engage in the activities. In these cases teachers need to have the specific words to ask their students if something is happening or if they feel sick and be permissive to those students that required for something. On the other hand, when students do not follow the rules that the teacher has explained or if they behave in a certain point a little bit rebel teachers should be the authority in the classroom, and put limits to their students. However, teachers do not have to exceed in the use of power since is a negative aspect that can affect in the learning of the student.  When teachers are very strict students became shy and do not want to participate in the class because they are afraid of the reaction of the teacher. The behavior of the teacher is really important because is the model that students have and they should transmit confidence, they should be friendly in order to have the respect of the students.

For a student the concrete operational is a stage that should be develop appropriately. The role of the teacher is very important in the development of this stage because is the one in charge of provide scenarios in which students can learn. The most important aspect for this stage is that students need to develop the ability to focus on many aspects at the same time, and this is something that can be develop in class