Friday, July 31, 2015


Hello my name is susana lisseth anaya. I am 21 years old and I am a student at Don Bosco University. I am a very nice person, I am responsible and  friendly. I am studying teaching and this is  my fourth year. During my major I have learned many things that helped me improve as a students and as a professional. I am very exciting to share with my futures students all the knowledge that I have acquire. 

Many people have asked me why are you studying teaching? well I have to say that this question is frequentely asked to students. In my case I share with every people that asked me that be in front of a classrooms is something awesome and the most important is that the learning of the students depends on how teachers perform the class. Moreover, I like to teach because is a challange for me, because every day is different, and I have to give my 100% every single day.

In the  21st century things have change. there are more teaching methods that help students and teachers to have  a better performing in classrooms. there are some teachers that do not like include new material or ideas in their planning but it is important to teach in a different way every day in order to keep students focused. I would like to try differetn things in my future classess because in that way students will be exciting to learn. 


The teaching practicum I  is very interesting class because it is neccessary that we as futures teachers know about the different stages of a child development. I had a basic idea about the stages of child development however; I did not that there are four specific stages and the ages that take place in each stgaes. This is one of the things that I  have learned and it is really important because teachers notice when something is normal or not in students. For this reason we are studying every theory and every stage in order that we could help students. 
The most important is that we are going to be able to understand and help not just children but adolescents and adults as well. The topics that we have seen so far are the basis of well performence of a teacher inside a classroom since every students is a world and each of them learn at different pace. That is what the theories have tought me. Even though, I have not had the opportunity to teach by my own or be the formal teacher in a class I have been practicing by doing some interesting activities that would help students to improve. 

My expectation about the next practices are very high since we need to learn new thing. Moreover, there is some point in which we need to put in practice all what we have learned. I do not like to think that the coming practices are more difficult or that I will not be able to do it instead I like to see it like a chanllenge in which I will succeed. 
To conlcude, I hope to learn as much as I can during this class in order to be better every day. My objective are improve every day, learn new things, and take advantage of every opportunity that would have.

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