Child Development Stages
Cognitive, physical, and psichosocial development
During the development process a child suffer many changes but not just physical changes like the size or weight. They also experiment other changes, and there are many factors that affect during this process such as the environment, the incentives that the child may receive, etc.
The stages in the development of a child are Infancy, Early childhood, Middle childhood, and adolescence. These stages are studied for some of the most important theorist such as Gean Piaget that create the cognitive theory, Lev Vigotsky create the theory of social interaction, Erick Erickson that create the psychosocial stages. Lawrence who focused on the moral development. Each of these theorist focus on different points that are escential in the development of a child.
- Gean piaget and the cognitive theory
Piaget create this cognitive theory to understand how is that a child start to think and how they develop their brains. Moreover, he claims that children learned base on personal experiences.He create four stages that explain the process that children face during their development. The stages are
- sensori-motor: child interact with environment by manipulating object around them., pre-operational, concrete-operational, and formal-operational stage.
- pre-operational stage (18-24 months until age 7) language is developing at this stage, they can draw, use words to express emotions.
- concrete-operational stage (7 to 11 years) is characterised by the appropriate use of logic.
- formal-operational stage : Individual begin to think abstractly, they draw conclusions, and they are able to solve problems by themselves.
- The social interaction theory of Lev Vigotsky
Vigotsky thought that the environment in which children grow influence a lot in their development. For example, if a child grows in a very violent environment that would act violent. On the other hand , if the environment in which the chid grows is very quiet and peaceful the child would act exactely in the way he or she experiment. Besides, he said that children's schooling affect their development in vital way. During the development of morality according to vigotsky children at the begining are not able to disinguish what is good or bad. Moreover, they like to interact and socialize with other people, and they understand that are rules but that some of this rules can be broken.
- The psychosocial stages of Erick Erickson
Erickson consider that many external factors influence in the psychosocial development. For example, confidence that is basic for a child to face the world, another aspects are initiative, they are able to learn new skills, they want to acomplish new thing, they have goals, and when are not children anymore the individual experiement things such as ego, isolation, and despair. Erickson create 8 stages to support his theory.
- Basic trust vs. Mistrust (0 to 18 months)
- Autonomy vs. shame (18 months to 3 years)
- initiative vs. guilt (3 to 5 years)
- Industry vs. inferiority (6 to 12 years)
- Identity vs. Role confusion 12 to 18 years)
- Intimacy vs. Isolation (18 to 40 years)
- Generativity vs. stagnation (40 to 65 years old)
- Ego integrity vs. despair ( 65 + years)
- The Moral development theory of Lawrence
Lawrence described 3 stages of moral development and in each stages he describes the process of how people learn to distinguish right from wrong. He claims that during the first years children are not thougth about morality at least not in a very strict way just by punisment and rewardsso they are not able to distinguish between these aspects. Moreove,r when children are able to go to school they should have knowledge about moral because they are asked to obey to an authority that is the teacher. In this way when they are older they are able to recognize rules and know about what is moral or not. The three stages of lawrence are.
- preconvencional morality
- convetional morality
- post- conventional morality
INFANCY ( 0 to 2 years old)
EARLY CHILDHOOD ( 3 to 8 years)
MIDDLE CHILDHOOD (9 a 11 years old)
ADOLESCENCE (12 to 18 years old)