Sunday, January 31, 2016

Physical and Phycosocial Development in Adolescents

Phycosocial development in adolescents concern on the Searching of identity and the physical development concern in the external changes that our body suffers.  During my adolescence, I experimented many changes that helped me find myself and accept the person that I become. I do not remember with detail all the scenarios that I faced; however, there are some of them that I remember clearly. For example. I remember that I did not care about my physical appearance at all but one day I woke up and I used some makeup.  This is something natural in adolescents because they start to care about what people say about them. In my opinion, Society plays a very important role in adolescents life and most of the time it turns in the only aspect that they care about.
 Moreover, I remember that when I had a presentation I spent hours practicing my walking, my gestures, etc. Now I cannot believe I did this  just because I was too worry about my classmates’ opinion. Besides, I remember that i behave in a very inmature way. For example, when someone gave a command I did not do it because I did want  that anyone told me what I have to do. Now I am ashamed about some things that I did. Emotions is something that adolescents cannot control simply because is a natural process in which the brain is developing. Moreover, adolescents are not aware about the process that they are going through.  All the process that I faced made me realized about my future and the person that I wanted to become.
Now I understand why adolescents are very hard to handled in all aspect not just at school but at home as well. Each adolescent is different and so is the way in which they behave. That is why adults should be very careful at the time to correct them because it could be damage for teens. Teachers should understand that this is just a period in adolescents’ life and it will not last forever. Adolescents are emotional and some times they say things that c
an hurt other’s feelings and the sad part of this is that they do not meant it. I know now that this is normal and is preparing me to deal with this kind of challenge. Besides, adolescents are very popular fro the phrase “I need my own space”. Indeed,  I am sure that we all have said that phrase.  This is the reason why they create a refuge in which there is no space for anyone else that represent an authority. There are thousands of behavior and words that are very common in adolescence; however, should be patient with them since they will continue behaving like this until their brain is ready.

As a teacher I would like to help my students to feel confortable in my class so they can interact and participate. I am sure that it will not be easy but I will do my best. Moreover, I would like that my student participate because they wan to, not because I force them. I think that if they participate willingly the learning will be meaningful. These are some Ideas that I will implement in my classes. I know that they are not enough and I am sure that I will need back up but I have the best support in class my dear classmates and teacher.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Meeting and dealing with the changes in the brain of a teenager.

Adolescence is  a very difficult time in every person and we all have been down this road before. However, adults forget about this time in their lives and make their own speculations. In my case the perspective that I had about them were kind of hard. For example, I thought that adolescents were irresponsable and lazy because of the way they behave. Of course I was sure that they knew why and what they were behaving in that way. Moreover, rebellion was a word that in my opinion fitted perfectly with them. Besides,  Adolescents  according to what I have seen do not care about their future because they do not want to study neither work. Furtheremore, From where I am standing adolescents seemed to be confronting their parents simply because they do not like being told what to do. Adolescents are most of the time emotional and take decisions based on that. Most of adolescents get carried away  for the decisions that their friends take. Besides, they just follow some trends that help them fit in the most popular groups at schools, and in society. Another aspect that in my opinion reflects adolescents’ behavior  is impulsion because they do not think before they act. In my opinion the behavior of adolescents seemed to be something very difficult to deal with.

My findings about the changes in the brains of adolescents helped me clarify and understand what happen in their brains during this age. According to the website National institute of mental health there are many things going on in adolescents brain. First, I want to point out that our brains is develop until we are 24. Moreover, I search about an interesting question that was made in class about the size of the brain and what makes our head grow. I found that in our brain we have many neurons and while we are growing this neurons are finding their way to new connections that is the reason why our brain grows. Besides, the gray matter that is the thinking part in the brain continue growing gradually. Furthermore, I found that at the age of 6 our brain is a 95% full-sized. However, this does not mean that our brain is a 100% develop. This means that we have enough space in our brain so the rest of the parts can grow and fit. Another interesting fact that I found is that since adolescents  brains are still under construction they are not able to take appropriate decisions, and as we might seen adolescents do not take decisions by evaluating consecuences instead they take it based on emotions. This is because the prefrontal cortex that is the part of the brain that help them controls impulsions, emotions, and take decisions by analyzing consecuences is not develop yet. Moreover, I found that adolescents brain is dealing with many things at once. For example, they change of mood constantly, they do not want to spent time with their family, they wan fredoom, and they do not want anyone sticking their noses in their lifes. According to this website during adolescent brain development many teachers, parents, and society do not really understand what is going on in the adolescent brains. Another interesting fact is that the development of their brains face many changes that can affect them in many aspects. Basing on what I have read I visualize adolescents’ brain like a  twister full of ideas that they do not even know they exist. That is why adolescents come up with ideas out of nothing  that may affect them. Moreover, teens do not like to obey or take advice of anyone that is why deal with a teen is very difficult in all aspects. Teens are not aware of what is happening to them neither think rasonable because most of the time they are not able to perceive the damage or the consecuences that some bad decisions leading by emotion might have. Research about the development in the adolescents’ brain help me understand the behavior that most of them have.

This teaching practicum II will help me learn and polish some abilities that I will need to deal with adolescents. That is why in this new challenge to work with adolescents I will do my best in order to succeed. My expectations are even more higher because the scenario will be totaly different and new challenges will show up. One of my expectations is that my students learn could see me as a friend however; this will be a hard because I do not want to  lose the control of my class. Besides, I expect that they could learn faster since they have the capacity to do it. Moreover, I expect that we could learn in every class from every mistake. These are just expectations because I am starting this new  road and I am not sure what will happen. However, I am sure that the real experiences will be a 100% better than the expectations.